Thursday, July 11, 2013

It's Always About the Hair, Isn't It?

(I started this post a couple weeks ago...)

My hair has fallen out more... rapidly... in the last month or so. The irony is that it started this trend in the 5th month (of 6) of chemo. What the heck, cancer? Who do you think you are??

Then I found out that as my hair grows back... some time around 3 months after chemo, it can push the old hair out and I could end up basically bald from that.... seriously, who do you think you are, cancer?

I haven't felt a lot of anger with this cancer, but my hair didn't fall out like it was supposed to and now I look like an old balding lady... but I have too much hair to just pull it all out - if that makes sense. And according to the nurses, it probably won't fall out. If you ask the dr. or the NP, it probably will. Thinner, thinner, the hair goes.... I honestly think I'd rather be bald. And that's pretty weird.

(And now I'm finishing it.)

So I've had thoughts of just shaving my head and calling it a day. But then I have a half-decent hair day and I think, "No, don't do that, Adrienne." But if my hair is going to fall out when the new stuff grows back, I'll probably end up as a peach fuzz headed crazy person anyway. 

The doctor said don't shave it. So I won't... For now. Maybe I will when it is growing back in and is all crazy-looking. 

I'll probably have the same hair-do as Patrick this Christmas. Oh, joy! :) I certainly never thought we'd look THAT alike. ;-) 

1 comment:

  1. What? That's crazy!

    Dear New Hair,
    Please do not push all of the old hair out. It worked hard to stick around through this treatment, and it deserves to stay.
    Adrienne's Friend
