Saturday, February 16, 2013

One Down, Eleven to Go!

I've been off the grid this week. 

I have a friend who says that blogs are much more interesting when they have pictures. She's not wrong. So I decided to add some pictures. Imagine the hits we'll get this week!
This is my "last supper" - my last medium ribeye steak from Texas Roadhouse for the next six months or so. I usually have one every 3 or so, but I think I'll be able to handle 6 months just fine. .... As long as everyone knows that that's where the celebratory dinner will be held. This picture also serves as my "pre-chemo" photo. I'm a babe. Or so my husband says. He's a hunk-a hunk-a burnin' love, if I do say so myself.

And these come from the Sunday before Valentine's Day, the day before I started Chemo. Poor Makenzie got sick, so she and I stayed home from church. I was kind of pretty sad because I won't be attending this week because of my immune system, so that's two weeks in a row, but Patrick was at drill, so I did my motherly duty and carried for my sicky. Bella is in her adorable Valentine's outfit. I love holiday clothes for kids. Like LOVE them. I got this skirt at the outlets when I hung out with Gillian and Jessica and they gave my my iPad. Bella didn't want her picture taken, so I chased her around the house.... And I can't get the dang pictures to go in order... the snoozing one was after church. Can you believe that I couldn't find Bella and her cute fluffy bum snoozing on the couch? I did, finally, find her. Makenzie and I did. And we took a picture, as we always do, of the sleeping beauty. (I also like taking pictures of my kids while they're asleep. It's not creepy when they're your own.)

I started chemo on Monday. I actually ended up spending like 9 hours at the hospital on Monday. So let me tell you...

We went in at 7am to get the port-a-cath put in. (I'll have to get those pictures from my iPad. That's going to take some learning.) I wasn't totally out asleep (at least not for all of it), I could hear what was going on, but I didn't feel a thing. Once I got done, they sent me back to the triage room, got my breakfast for me (hospital breakfast burrito and banana, what what) and they sent me on my way. They were mighty efficient. The "gross" parts of this are things like how gigantic the needle of the catheter was and all that kind of stuff.... that I have pictures of on my iPad. 

So then we went over to Cancer Village (just named it that) and waited. We were about 35 minutes late (though we called), but somehow in the translation of computers and everything, we didn't get back here for another hour or so. A long time. I kind of snoozed in the waiting room. Anyway, I was supposed to go back at like 930 and we didn't start chemo until noon-ish. 

So then I had my chemo treatment. I wrote sub plans while I was there. And of course I played with my new iPad. I sure do love my friends and family. They are so good to me. 

The rest of the week became a blur. Monday I was okay, but starving and out of it - surgery and chemo and not getting home until ten hours after I left, very hungry, very hungry, tired, worn out... long day. Shawna stayed with the kids all day, bless her!, and she took care of us when I got home too. Patrick had to rush to work. I was quite nauseous, but I really think it's because I didn't eat enough in my long hospital visit day. 

Tuesday I woke up thinking that I should've taken the surgery into account and I should've gotten a sub. But I didn't, so oh well to that. I went to school. I had a meeting that afternoon so I was planning to stay until it was over, but around noon, I hit a brick wall. I got some lunch, thinking it was that, but I just couldn't re-coup. So I went home, took an hour nap, and had Patrick drive me back to work for my meeting. I think I slept when I got home too. And I started not being able to remember what drugs to take and which I had taken. 

Wednesday and Thursday were a blur. I really couldn't remember what to take or what I had taken on Wednesday and part of Thursday. I wrote it down, but still wasn't sure. I slept more than I was awake. Like I woke up, ate, was up for less than an hour, and then went back to sleep for 2-3 hours. Rinse and repeat. Wednesday and Thursday disappeared. 

Since Thursday was Valentine's Day, Patrick took the kids to a ward Valentine exchange hoopla. He also got me a sweet card and some chocolates. I did nothing for him but lay on the couch like a bump on a log. I'll do better next year. (And let it be known that I really wanted to recreate our first Valentine's Day this year, but once cancer got in the way, that went out the window. Like I said, next year....)

So he took the kids to the exchange. They got to decorate bags and trade Valentines. The night before Bella wrote her name on all 15 of her Valentines. I might have a picture of that on my iPad too. Technology.... 

We are familiar with this movement that Bella does. And those shoes. And that outfit.

Boy, I love her.

She's so silly and I have no idea what she's doing because I wasn't there.

But, clearly, she loved it.
Decorating her bag. 

Impressive, huh? Loving her jammies. She actually changed INTO them for the day.

Bella decorating her bag. E-E-E-E BEEEEEELLA.

Showing Daddy the goodies. He did such a good job taking pictures since I couldn't be there. :) Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

I suppose she is inspecting her bag for perfection.

The goods inside B's bag.

So while I was TOTALLY out of it, they were having fun. And I'm glad they did. I wasn't super nauseous, but I did stay on top of those meds. I just slept and slept and slept and slept and slept. Friends would come take the kids and I would literally wake up when they brought them back. They've also been helping me put M in her bed because I can't lift her for two weeks, while my incision heals. Dang chemo makes me heal slower! It's really putting a cramp in my style! But my friends and ward family and family family are amazing! Like super duper amazing! It's only week one, but I know I wouldn't be able to do it without them!!!

Friday, I was coming back to life. Kind of felt like I was coming off of some high, with jitters and not totally being with it, or like my insides were alive, but not my outsides. I felt like that for half of today too, but I'm doing a lot better. 

We went to Ikea today and finally got the book shelf thing for the girls' room. Next we need to upgrade their beds, but... in time. Them suckers are freaking expensive!!!!! So Patrick has a project for tomorrow, and thank goodness he doesn't have drill. I feel like I haven't seen him all week, even though he's been home until about 1:45/2:00 in the afternoon. I'm grateful that we get a day together. And that Monday is a holiday. I wish every Monday was a holiday....

1 down, 11 to go.

Now these pictures are not really related to this week. They are from two Sundays ago, when Bella asked if we could make cupcakes. Actually, it all originated from Makenzie's birthday and how I'm a slacker mom and we didn't make cupcakes ON her birthday. Alas.... the photos.... Bella chose a recipe from her Princess cupcake book and we made them. They were delicious!

Just being silly in the kitchen.

It was her job to put the cupcake liners in. And wear a Tinkerbell costume while baking, OF COURSE.

Heart cut-outs from the top. 

And the side view. Seriously, they were yum.

So I'm finally coming back to life. I mean, I have the energy to blog, so that's a big deal. I might even grade papers tonight. Holy Hannah!!!!

And I've decided that I want this necklace from Etsy. And I want it in a bad way, so I'm going to get it. Only, I want two little birth stone "jewels" instead of the brown one. 

And my friends continue to be wonderful. I got yet another goodie package today. It included a wig. I'm still not sure what to do with that, but I am incredibly grateful for it and the sentiment. It just kind of freaks me out. I think they'll understand that. I hope so. Because I sure do love them!


  1. You are so courageous. I miss your face. - Sam Rielly

  2. patrick is right - you are a babe. i'm so glad you have him.

  3. Love the pic of you two! :) I am all up for a celebratory dinner when your done. Yum! You are awesome. Glad your feeling a bit better today! Love you!

  4. Love your family Adrienne! Those girls are so cute. Thank you for sharing your story and inspiring me.
