So cutting the hair....
Wednesday at my nadir appointment, the NP suggested cutting my hair THIS past weekend because it will probably fall out by the first week of March, so waiting a week might be too late. That gave us TWO days to plan it all. But we did. It all fell into place... work schedules switched, my parents helped us get a hotel room, babysitting fell into place (seriously, a huge thank you to Jessica H and her family for watching our girls and to Mia's grammy for watching her and to Derek for letting Jessica run away for the weekend, his free weekend, and to Rachel for taking the time to photograph the evening for us), and we headed to Salt Lake City.
Gillian and I first went to the wrong Marriott - they were VERY nice - and then to the correct one. Oops, Salt Lake.... and we checked in. My friends Mikelle and her mom, Gayla, left an amazing gift bag full of all kinds of goodies for me at the front desk. I got it when we checked in. Gillian showed all the excitement for me that I felt inside. :) I actually thought it was from my mom, but when I read the card, I cried. How sweet of them to do that for me. So we went up to our room and got sort of settled. Then we headed out so we could go to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. We got our little buzzer and waited for Jessica and Kelli to arrive. We were seated shortly after they got there and our evening of adventure really began.
Left to right: Kelli, Gillian, Jessica, me. |
The Cheesecake Factory reminds me of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory... I mean, seriously. The decorations are swirly, the doors are huge, and the servers walk around in ALL WHITE. They're in the shrinking room, I just know it. It's such a whimsical restaurant and it was so fun to go with friends. I hadn't seen Kelli in a few years, so it was fun to catch up and remember some of our bizarre quirks - like how she goes to the bathroom A LOT. A lot more than the two pregnant ladies. That became a joke. As did the Dyson hand dryer in the bathroom. Gross. :) And that ketchup there in the picture - the server dropped it off for Gillian, but he did it so secretly that it basically just showed up. It was amusing being in Willy Wonka's restaurant.
We definitely got cheesecake - four different types - and we definitely stopped taking pictures. We are insane. But we were having so much fun!
At the end of the meal, the server asked how the check was being split and assumed that there would be four separate checks. My friends started explaining that I was not paying and Kelli had a gift card, but Jessica was paying for me, and Gillian for her and and and... and put it on one check. haha. He said he figured it was my birthday or something and that's why I wasn't paying. I said, "Nooo.... Ihavecancerandmyhair'sgoingtofallout." Just like that. And he looked SO shocked. He said, "Really?" about five times. Okay, maybe not five, but he was shocked. I could see in his eyes that he wanted to do something for me, and finally he just asked if he could give me a hug. So I got a side-hug from a stranger dressed in all white at the whimsical Cheesecake Factory. He was actually a very nice server, but he seemed to feel so bad for me. It was a very sweet thing to do, though.
Side note: I ended up being the driver this weekend for a few different reasons, and let me tell you, I am NOT good at driving in Salt Lake. I get anxiety and I get snippity, and I just don't like it. But my friends survived and we managed to get around. Thanks for not killing me, friends. :)
So we took our super full bellies back to the hotel. Shortly after we arrived, Rachel, the photographer, arrived. I met her through a mom group on Facebook and she offered to do a shoot of some kind during this ordeal and Wednesday, I asked if she would do this.
I don't think I ever actually saw this part of the hotel, haha. :) |
I was afraid that I would not be looking super great with the short hair cut, so I put make up on before getting it cut. :) I also didn't want to look totally homely with the photos and all. |
That razor makes some terrifying sounds near the ears, but Gillian really knows what she is doing. She is SUPER talented. |
Gillian also offered to wax my beastly eyebrows, so we did that first. :) |
And my mom and two other BFF's - Jessica B. and Mikelle (yep, the gift-giving one) Skyped in with us since they couldn't be there in person. |
That's my old hair - after getting it wet for the hair cut of the century. |
My "before" - suppose I could've closed my mouuuuuth. ;-) Mikelle and Gayla gave me that cute 'A' necklace. I love it. |
Kelli was in charge of recording video on the iPad to send to Patrick... and then he left his cell phone at home. I still haven't watched these videos. |
Getting ready to chop it off. |
And there she goes. Also a bizarre sound. |
My mom and I have always had this thing... holding the pinky up when we drink. Well, my mom just does it. Everyone on Skype was doing this - when everyone wasn't frozen. This is just my uppity pinky. |
Mid-hair cut. |
I didn't watch. I was actually afraid it would be A LOT more emotional, but I felt okay. |
My gorgeous friend, Kelli, decided to chop her hair off with me. She asked me privately earlier in the evening if it would help me or if I'd like her to and I wasn't sure. Well, after my hair was all gone, I was kind of okay with that idea. And she had been thinking about getting a new hair do, so it wasn't all bad. She's beautiful either way and I felt so honored and loved that she would chop her hair off with me. I also felt like I wasn't alone because someone else lost their hair too. If that makes any illogical sense. Love this lady so much. We have known each other for like 7 years. |
Everyone Skyping was also drinking some kind of Coke... that was pretty funny, too. Mom - regular, good stuff. Mikelle - Vanilla. There must be something wrong with her. ;-) and Jessica B. - Diet Coke with lime, which is the only way to bearably drink the Diet stuff. ;-) I just love that my Skyping "besties" are all Coke drinkers too. And Gillian bought me a Mexican Coke - SUPER yum! |
This is Kelli getting her hair chopped... obviously. :) |
I took a shower because I had tiny hairs all over me, so I messed up my pretty 'do that Gillian gave me, but here we are with our "after" looks. :) It's like we're on ANTM, Kelli!!! |
Love her so much! (Ironically, I have no more makeup on, haha.) |
One of my favorite photos of the night. |
Side-by-side comparison. Boobs to back. What boobs? :P Love you! |
Kelli's long locks and my short ones. My long locks are in a pony tail in a bag waiting to be donated. |
My best friends - Gillian, me, Jessica S., and Kelli. Of course we had to do a silly prego belly shot! :) For the 9 month pregnant trooper and my very own, Siri! :) |
I seriously have THE best friends in the world. I can't believe they did this for me and I'm just super duper thankful. I love you guys!!! |
The night ended up being very hilarious, chill, fun, and silly. We played "Things" with the Skype-ees. That was hilarious. We all have inappropriate minds. :) I'm so glad I could do this with friends - it made it so much easier! I think I must've been mentally more ready than I thought I was because I haven't shed a tear over losing my hair. And I was actually pleasantly surprised with the style. I think it looks quite nice. Nicer than I'll probably admit to. :) But it gives me hope for when my hair grows back in. I'm not as worried about looking like a total freak because I look good now, so I'll look good then.
I think I might have more issues with the being totally bald part, but Jessica B. and her mom bought me some head pieces, so I got the courage to order some myself as well. Those should be here in the next few days, probably just in time. I'm afraid of not having hair by Monday and having to go to school for the first time with no hair. That does NOT excited me. I don't like the attention - a hair cut change was enough! :) Though I'll probably get a different kind of attention when I have no hair, but I'm wearing hats and scarves.
Anyway, the night was a total blast! We stayed up late, watched Pitch Perfect, talked, and finally fell asleep in fluffy beds with no kids kicked our sides. We woke up in the morning ON OUR OWN and had breakfast at Kneader's. We wandered around City Creek Center for a little bit, I got Apple Care for my iPad and a couple cute cardigans at Express, and then we went to back to the hotel to relax and clean up. Once we checked out, we went to the Gateway to see Safe Haven. LOVED it. And I love Josh Duhamel - just ask Kelli. :) Then we took Jessica and Kelli home, and Gillian and I ventured the snowy freeway to pick up my kids and take her home. We got behind schedule because of the stupid, awful, snowy roads. Traffic was at a stand-still going north and then really slow going south.
We were all exhausted, but I'm so glad we did this. I am so glad I have friends who came up with the idea and who were so excited to do this for me. I'm so happy that I have friends who love me so much they want to be here for me in my darkest hours and that they aren't running away. There are so many unknowns in this "adventure" and I have not been left to figure it out on my own. It is amazing. I am so blessed and so lucky.
So thank you Jessica S. and B. and H., Kelli, Gillian (THANK YOU, Gillian!), Mikelle, Mom, Rachel, and all their families who helped make the weekend possible. Thanks for loving me the way you do and always being there for me. You are the best!!!!!
(there is no way I could possibly count and individually thank everyone who has helped me and who will thank me, but thank you, all of you.)
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