Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Little Button Over There

You may have noticed a little Paypal button on the right side of my blog. Someone I love suggested putting a Paypal button on my blog in case anyone would like to donate to help me. I feel a little bit weird having it there, but it can't hurt, right? And if anyone would like to help and they don't know how else they can, maybe this is a good way for them. There are definitely things I could use financial assistance with. But even just going to get a Coke or something is a blessing. Or a Sonic slush. Yum-o! Or something for my hubby, the great guy that he is. :)

Anyway, my friend put the button on her blog as well and she wrote so eloquently about it all. She's amazing. One of the best ladies I know. I am honored that she asked and wanted to put it on her blog and just for everything she has done for me. I've really learned so much about love, friendship, and humility in the past month.  (

So I guess what I'm trying to say, but am having a really hard time expressing, is that there is a Paypal button on the right side of my blog. It is there in case you would like to donate to our family and our fight against this evil cancer. Any amount is wonderful and such a blessing. I cry every single time I am given something to help me fight this battle. I am so humbled by the love and charity others have for us. It is absolutely amazing.

And if you would like to add a button to your blog as well, I can send you the html code for it. I am not asking you to do so at all; I just wanted to let you know that it can be done if you'd like.

Thank you so much to everyone reading this for your love and support. You are making this fight A LOT easier to handle. :) I am DEFINITELY not alone.

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