Tuesday, April 30, 2013

She Did It Again

If you haven't read the previous post yet, do so first. 

Kari did it again. She wrote what I think. Who is this girl? We must meet.

I'm just going to link you to her post, but I'll highlight a few pieces here.

" I can now say my life revolves around one specific point in time. The person I was before my accident, and the person I am now. Nothing, to date, has changed my life like that, I'm not sure anything will. 

Before the accident, I was sure of my own youth and strength. I was guilty of thinking "that couldn't possibly happen to me." I was healthy, I was strong, and in my eyes I was invincible. Now I know that my days are numbered.

But I know it in a good way. Now I know to appreciate my husband more than I ever have before. Now I know to see the strength in the people that surround me. Now I know to appreciate my body, this amazing gift that has been given to me, and to never abuse it. Now I know that whenever it comes time for me to leave this world I will be able to look back and know that I lived a life that made me happy."

I feel this way too. In one of our early appointments with the Nurse Practitioner (I love her so much. Her name is Nancy, she's hilarious, and she's just plain great.), she told us that this would be a good experience for us. She told me that I would learn things about life that people don't learn until they're in their 80's. I wasn't sure what she meant at the time, but I started to learn very quickly after that appointment. 

I have a greater appreciation for my husband and children. I get very frustrated when I feel like I am taking them for granted because I feel like I know now, more than ever, how precious they really are. {I think that's why I beat myself up about not being Super Mom.} I see the world differently now. SO many things just don't really matter. And others REALLY do matter. 

"When asked about writing the song "If I Die Young" the band said-

"We wanted to write a song about making the most of whatever time you're given -- whether it's two years, twenty years or two hundred.

We really have gotten to live and love at our young ages. 'If I Die Young,' for us, is about if it all ends at this moment, look at what we've gotten to do. Whatever time we're given will be absolutely enough as long as we make the most of it." {source}

That sums up my feelings about this song to a T.  I've always been drawn to music and I have specific songs that I tie to the milestones in  my life. There have been a few songs to help me through the last few months but this one has been the most poetic. 

I haven't been the best at writing my story lately, manly because most of the time I don't know what to write. Be patient with me, while I fumble around and try to find the words to describe everything that has happened and my feelings."

"Whatever time we're given will be absolutely enough as long as make the most of it." I fully believe that. 

Interestingly enough, I have a song that has spoken to me through this journey, as they call it. It is "Home" by Phillip Phillips. I heard it just days after I was diagnosed, on the radio, when I turned the car on to warm it up before going to work. I really heard the lyrics for the first time and they resonated with me. When my wonderful friends got me an iPad mini to help make chemo more bearable, they had part of the song engraved on the back: Just know you're not alone.

I've listened to that song dozens of times since I found out about the stupid cancer. It has made me cry, lifted me up, and brought me comfort. I'm not alone. I have my wonderful friends and family, and I have my Savior. 

Lastly, I send my apologies for my fumbled (I love this word, it's perfect) words, while I try to explain how I feel, in almost every single blog post. I'm going to try and stop doing that. 

Comfort to My Soul

I've kind of had a block recently. I haven't known what to write on the blog or how to respond to people. So I just haven't... and that's pretty lame. 

I decided to start a business - who in their RIGHT MIND starts a business in the middle of chemotherapy when they literally do not function half of the time?? I know, I know. I've had these thoughts too. But I have no answer to it. I just think, "Well, why can't I?"  

In starting this business, a couple friends of mine and I decided that we'd like to get the word out about our businesses more. We decided that we would look for a blogger who could host a giveaway for us. I don't really blog anymore these days, besides writing on here (I mean, I don't check/read other blogs and whatnot), so my blogosphere knowledge is seriously lacking. I was nervous that we wouldn't find anyone who could/would help us. But both of my friends know bloggers, and one contacted a friend of hers and bam, we have a blogger who is willing to host a giveaway, get more followers and views and stuff sort of thing!

So I went to her blog tonight. I think it's important to know who is going to do this for us, after all. :) And I discovered that she was hit by a drunk driver while running early in the morning, training for a half marathon, last summer and is still on her road to full recovery. I've been reading her blog posts about her road to recovery and crying a lot. 

{Mind you, today has been kind of a stressful day... and I'm an emotional human being.}

She is amazing. She is so human. I admire her so much for her strength and humility and I'm just breaking the surface of her story... and I haven't even had a chance to read her regular crafty blog posts! 

{The blog is www.newlywedsonabudget.net, by the way.}

She said something in one of her blog posts, where she talks about forgiving the guy who hit her, and it really struck a chord with me. I feel THE EXACT SAME WAY about myself and my situation. 

She said, 
People tell me how strong I am, how amazing I am, how they could never go through what I have gone through. I'm here to tell you, I am none of those things. But I have the companionship of my Savior with me at all times, and it is because of Him, that I have been able to do the things I have done.


Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! This is exactly how I feel. I am none of those things - the things people say to me and about me. How they tell me I'm amazing and so strong, such a fighter, brave, tough, they could never do what I'm doing or they would never react the way I am reacting. I AM NONE OF THOSE THINGS. But I do have the companionship of my Savior with me at all times, and it because of Him that I have been able to do the things I have done, to have the attitude I have.

So tonight, I'm grateful for Kari, a blogger whom I've never met, who will be hosting our awesome giveaway thing (I'm not even sure what to call it), because she is human and she is inspirational. And she has really inspired me and brought comfort to my heart tonight. Thanks, stranger. :)

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Halfway & Still Kickin'!

We are officially halfway done with chemo. Halle-freaking-lujah! Really. Just like that.

Chemo sucks. It totally sucks. It now takes me 3 days to bounce back and become a human again. It used to take two days. By the end it will probably take me 4-6 days. I'm not looking forward to spending my summer on chemo.

I'm pretty unhappy with chemo, if you can't tell. I don't like it and I don't like its negative side-effects. I don't like that it knocks me out for three days and I become a basically lifeless blob. I barely function; I don't even have the energy to respond to text messages. I only respond if it's absolutely necessary. I sleep a lot, but after about a day and a half of that, my mind is ready to roll, while my body still doesn't want to move. It's very frustrating and discouraging. And I hate not having the energy to take care of my kids, let alone play with them. I'm also more tired on my good weeks. It's like all of a sudden, I'm more tired than I have been thus far, but it's true. I just don't have the energy to go and do all the fun things I want to do. Or to keep up with my kids, my house, the chores, the cooking, etc. Thank heavens we have an awesome ward - they have made us freezer meals to use on good weeks. I just have to remember to take them out of the freezer with enough time to thaw out. I'm not very good at that. The house is a cluttered mess and we look like we belong on Hoarders, but it's just because I can't keep up with all of it and so things go in piles. At least there's floor space for the kids to play.

Our anniversary is in a week - on a chemo day. Seven years. Isn't that crazy? Seems like that just happened out of nowhere. I'm very lucky to be married to my studly husband. We aren't where we thought we'd be, but we are together and happy, and that counts more than the material things. We are going on a date this week to celebrate. I'm looking forward to going on a date with the man in my life.

Bella has been really funny recently....

Bella is watching me go through the Facebook newsfeed. She sees a picture of a baby and the following takes place. 
B: Mom, what's that baby's name?
Me: I don't know. 
B: It could be Calypso. 
Me: ....Yes, it could be, but I don't think it is.
B: But it COULD be.
Bella was looking through her scriptures and found a note. These scriptures were dropped off by a primary teacher/ward member who took her to church a couple weeks ago. 

Bella said,
"Mom! She left me a note! It says... You are my favorite child?" 

That really did just happen. She is on a roll tonight.

She's so funny.

Makenzie is funny too. She's a quirky, fun girl. She wore a giant flower bow on the side of her head to church today. It didn't match her dress and she had little piggy tails, but she wore that flower bow proudly. Silly girl.

We planted our tomatoes, marigolds, and lavender yesterday. The lavender smells soooo good. I still need to get lemongrass to keep the skeeters away, but I need to find it in order to plant it. :) I haven't checked the nursery yet, though. And we still have our whole square-foot garden to plant... and build. Building and planting are hopefully going to happen this week. But at least we have a few tomato plants set up. We are going to share the garden with my sister-in-law, Shawna, so she got the tomato plants. We are also hopefully going to get some from a friend who started some seeds for us - hopefully they grow and are nice, healthy, friendly plants. :) We want them. We like tomatoes. haha. And Shawna accidentally got one Roma plant and two big and beefy tomato plants. Last year we grew Romas and little sweet yellow salad tomatoes. New adventure every year! I'm looking forward to it, though!

And now, some pictures...

I can't believe how grown-up she is.

This is our little silly bean. She's the best. And she drinks a lot - like her Daddy.

A package full of clothes came in the mail. They like new clothes.

Last Sunday, we went to the Provo City Center Temple grounds to take a look. Our family photo is awesome. It's going to be framed, for sure. 

Bella took this one. We are in our Sunday best.

The temple is actually on stilts right now while they build all the underground stuff. It's really amazing.

The corner of the temple and the underground workings in progress.

They really love each other. Makenzie helped me take this picture. They love taking pictures. 

What used to be the front (I believe) of the tabernacle. I'm pretty sure they call this side the front, though, I'm not sure which side will be the front when the temple is completed. 

Painting one day.... you can tell their personality differences here. Well, minus the fact that Bella had JUST mixed all of her paints. She was frantic about that about two seconds later. She liked them separated.. 

New swimsuits. We have been wearing swimsuits all day and to bed for the past week or so. Ready for summer??

It doesn't get much better than this. (And I love that she sits Indian style.)

The flower hair bow, the cute oriental dress, and the "Mom, don't take my picture!!" face. :)

Happy Sunday, world!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Almost Halfway

I've been really bad at this blogging thing... 

I haven't been feeling well when I have time to blog and when I feel well, I'm spending my time doing other things. 

So here are some updates.

The house is out of control. I've officially lost control of it and can't keep up. We look like hoarders. Or those people who say lots of messes = lots of love. Either way, it's a mess.

The last round of chemo was REALLY bad. I got REALLY sick. So sick that my kids ended up with sitters every day, all day, and they had a sleepover. At the end of the week, I was worried about feeling so bad still, so we went in. I got fluids (so twice in one week) and saw the doctor. I had an emotional breakdown because I was so upset and unhappy about being sick, so the nurses alerted the doctor and they're watching my emotional health now. I told them I was just frustrated about being so sick, but I cried while telling them that. haha. But really, it was SOOOO frustrating!

Come to find out... it was probably because of the amoxicillin I was on to fight off the STREP THROAT I got the week before. And two chemo's previous to this last one, I got really sick too. I was on a stronger amoxicillin. So no more amoxicillin for me, at all! I wasn't able to do ANYTHING. I didn't even check my email. 

Makenzie got strep throat from me and she got it BAD. Behind her ear, she got an infection, her eyes gooped boogers and nastiness, and she got red spots. And she got an ear infection on top of that. My poor little miserable baby. So we've spent the beginning of this week doing lots of laundry, using TONS of hand sanitizer (my hands are like sandpaper now), and trying to touch each other. So far so good. 

I got a chronic sinus problem or allergies or something. I have constant drainage and yellow mucous. But my nose isn't plugged up, I only cough in the morning, and I'm totally, totally fine otherwise. It's bizarre. I'm taking little doses of Claritin every day. I'm a freak of nature. We're keeping an eye on this too.

I'm really starting to wear down from the chemo and the chronic sickness and my weakened immune system and stuff. It's affecting me. And it's noticable now. I can't do tasks for very long without getting tired, I am tired more, and I have these chronic sicknesses. And I keep getting sick. Ha. The joys.

Patrick does dishes like a champ. He's amazing. Doing dishes is one of the tasks that super wears me out right now - Heaven only knows how I folded all that laundry at the beginning of the week. Something like 7-10 loads. Judge me. :) But really, Patrick is amazing. He just does the dishes. Sure, they pile up, but he does that. He did dishes all morning today. Now we have cups to drink from! :) 

I should get a glass of water. I'll be right back. Because I have NOT been drinking. I'm going to kill my kidneys if I'm not careful. Okay, I'm drinking. Much better. Just have to deal with sandpaper hands now. 

I opened an Etsy shop, made a Facebook page, and started a business, I suppose! It's called from am 2 pm designs and here are the links... I ought to post individually about this, but until then....

And I'm doing a giveaway for a printable right now on my Facebook page, so go like it, for crying out loud!

My Facebook page isn't getting much action. Not sure I can blame it, though, since I'm not very active on it every other week. :)

I've already received orders and am keeping busy. I think I'm going to love it. It's good for me. And sewing seems to help me during bad weeks, on Sundays that I can't go to church, and overall makes me a happier camper. I feel so accomplished. 

I JUST remembered that I teach this Sunday. So I'll be reading the lesson tonight. OOPS. That was a huge fail right there. 

I've been thinking a lot about General Conference. I LOVED it. Took so many notes, have so many thoughts and ideas and just... I loved it. There were so many talks that answered prayers and spoke right to me. You can read all of the talks (or watch them or listen to them) at www.lds.org. I love that we can watch General Conference at home. 

I'm on the hunt for patterns to make maxi skirts. $30-50 is too much for thin jersey!!!

I'm afraid of tornadoes... and kind of earthquakes... but definitely tornados. I don't think I'll ever live in tornado land. 

Oh. I still have my hair. Yep, I sure do. It's a miracle - really, it is. It's definitely falling out - hair all over a pillow case is really gross, by the way - but you can't REALLY tell when you look at me. It's really bizarre. It's just hanging on for dear life. I'm okay with that. Greg will keep his hair this way too. ;-)

I've gained like ten pounds. Seriously. Not a joke. And I keep eating. My goal is to be able to fit back in my jeans by Christmas. Or next May. I haven't decided. haha. But I will definitely need to get back into shape next Spring before we attempt to add more little lovelies to our family. 

While I do enjoy this short hair style, I've decided that I will grow my hair back out after this is all over. I look really pretty with long hair and bangs. I look better with this hair-do when my bangs are down too. But I have to pin them back right now because hair falls out all day and then it falls between my glasses and my face and gets in my eyes. Gross, creepy, and annoying.

My sister-in-law makes a delicious coconut tres leches cake. It is divine. I think it's my new all-time favorite. I might even want it for my birthday. That's a big deal, I'll have you know. 

Well, Patrick finally convinced me to watch Chuck. He's been begging me for months now and I assumed I wouldn't like it because we tend to have different taste, but I'm kind of in love with it. And by only a couple degrees of separation, I basically know the creator. That makes me famous. Just kidding. It makes my friend, Jessica, famous. She is famous. I love her. And Chuck. And Patrick. And I want to go watch more Chuck, so I'm done blogging now. 


Wednesday, April 3, 2013


It's been way too long since I blogged last. Some of you (you know who you are :p) are really excited for this post. I appreciate that actually.


I've been going through a lot mentally, and even physically, recently with this cancer crap.

I've started to get anxiety. I've been kind of upset with this illness. And it's kind of kicked my butt recently and made me kind of jet-lagged tired. I just haven't been very happy with it.

And between being tired physically, emotionally, and mentally, I haven't really been sure what to blog about.

But here I am. Two treatments ago, chemo was really weird. I got nauseous on Monday and it last all week. This last treatment, I wasn't super nauseous much at all. I did have some problems with the digestive system. I tried to drink as much as I could, but I still needed some help to keep things happily moving. And that's personal. But it's a fact. And it's frustrating and annoying.

So chemo has been kind of unpredictable recently. I'll take all the good I get. It's great when I feel good. I went in for fluids last week and I went in today. It's a good thing I went in this week because I got a sore throat (either an infection or allergies.... awesome) and I haven't really been drinking because it hurts so bad. It wakes me up because it hurts so bad. So sleep has really sucked recently too.

When I'm sick... I'm tired, I'm blah, I lack motivation, and it's just all uncomfortable. I get some nausea. It isn't AWFUL, but I've found that I can't eat leftovers during chemo week. I just can't handle it. I am perfectly fine to eat the food once, but once I smell it, I can't eat it again. And I'm a leftover queen. I ate leftovers this week for like 3 days. I love leftovers. But NOT during chemo week. It's really weird. I still try to give them to my kids, though.

I get chemo farts. I don't know if I have mentioned this before or not. But they stink. They're so gross... and chemically. Not sulfur-like.

I get really bloated during chemo. It totally sucks. Add that to the weight gain and I don't really want to go anywhere.

Speaking of going places... I'm going on a date with the hubster tomorrow. :) I'm very excited about this.

I'm very grateful for all of the help we are receiving and all the willing hands. People are so kind to watch our kids and to help us with anything we need.

On the flip side, I'm starting to feel like some people don't believe that when I'm down, I'm down because I seem to be doing so well on my good weeks. I feel like I'm starting to get some criticism and that people think I'm making things up or my needs up. I know I still have my hair. It's super bizarre and it should be gone. The nurse practitioner actually said it's a miracle that I still have it. And it is falling out, but not super fast. And it should've been gone a month ago. But because I still have my hair, I feel like people are starting to question how sick I actually am. And really, all in all, I'm doing REALLY well on chemo. It's not killing me, literally or figuratively, and that's great! But I AM sick and I am getting more and more tired and worn out, and I do need help.

The worn out, tired feeling it just this gradual thing where every day I'm a little more tired. Some days I have bursts of energy and I go and do things. But by the end of the day, I'm totally wiped out. My last good week, every single day I was totally tired and done for by 4 or 5pm. And that was my good week! And yes, I keep myself busy on my good weeks, but sheesh, that was weird.

And I'm not one to usually complain about things. I'm tough. I am. And I'm a fighter. I don't like to whine and complain and I typically don't let people know how I'm really feeling or to what degree. It usually takes a little more for people to get "in" and see and know what I'm really feeling. I have a few people right now that I allow to know the honesty. Most other people get portions of it. I'm learning to be more and more honest about it all, though, because hiding any of it doesn't help me at all. It only makes things harder for me. People want to help me and they can't if I don't tell them what I need.

I'm babbling a lot.

I'm worn out, I'm tired, I'm weaker, and I'm less than my usual self. And I weight like 10 lbs more than I used to. And that's pretty depressing. I worked my tail off to lose this weight that is now back. I'm sure some of it is fluid weight from the chemo and fluids and blah blah blah, but a lot of it is the crappy food I'm eating. I miss salads so much. I miss fresh fruits and veggies. Problem is, I'm kind of picky on that front and the ones I like are not the typically peeled ones - like strawberries, haha. So I'm encouraged to avoid them right now. Food poisoning pain for days or a few months without something I like. Hmm.... I'll skip the food poisoning on my weakened immune system so I can stay on schedule with my chemo and get it done ASAP. But it's definitely making me fatter. And that just isn't fun. I need more maxi skirts. haha. Those are comfortable and forgiving and cute. Too bad I don't gain weight in my butt when I gain weight. That'd be awesome.... since I lost that thing to my two kids.

Speaking of my kids... Bella has been expressing some anxiety and stress as well. That is really hard. She started having bad dreams and even night terrors. NOT FUN. We talked to her about monsters and stuff (her most recent fear when it comes to the bedroom. She thinks they're going to come in our house through the windows, doors, any way really) and then we prayed that the Lord would allow His guardian angels to be around our house and with us. We talked to her about getting a Priesthood blessing from Patrick, but after the prayer, she said she wasn't scared anymore and she didn't need a blessing. We told her that if she ever wants one, Daddy is here to give it to her. Two days later, in her prayer before bed, she prayed for the angels to be around our house and protect us from the monsters. But she hasn't had any more night terrors. She's been sleeping in our bed too. But holy tender mercy, we just received a FREE bunk bed set from a friend. We are so excited for this! We are going to look for mattresses tomorrow and we'll get it set up as soon as we can. Tomorrow is Patrick's day off, so we can at least get it built, even if we don't get mattresses for it. But poor Bella, I really think she was having night terrors because of the stress and worry in her life. They pray for me at every single prayer - even Makenzie. It's just part of what they pray for. Bless their little hearts. They shouldn't have to pray for their Mommy to be healthy and get better when they are so young. It breaks my heart, but it's so tender that we have the gospel in our lives, in our family life, and that they are praying for me.

Boy, where would I be without the zillions of prayers, thoughts, and good vibes on my behalf. So many people put our names on the prayer roll weekly. So many people, and even their children, are praying for us. People we don't even know pray for us. It's amazing. And I KNOW that I'm drawing strength from their prayers, thoughts, and good vibes. It is the strength of many that is strengthening me. I couldn't do this without the support and love I have. Even when I'm feeling down in the dumps.

I've started telling people how I feel about them more. I've started listening to listen nudges to text someone about how their day is, or tell someone I'm thinking about them. I didn't used to be very good at that. I do it a lot now. And it makes me feel really good. And I like the conversation and interaction, I really do. But I know I'm being blessed because I am listening to the small, tender promptings of the Spirit.

Have you noticed that when I blog... I write a lot? I'm a talker. Except right now... my throat hurts too bad. Text me. ;-)

You know, somehow I'm strong even in my weakest moments of this "adventure." I really know it's because of the gospel, my prayers, the prayers of others, and the support and love I am receiving, like I said. But it's amazing. Because I do feel worn out and beaten down. I do dread chemo treatments... a lot. I hate my port. More than anything I hate the stupid port. And it hates me. I am getting sick of the saline taste in my mouth when they rinse between drugs in my IV. I don't like the Heparin taste either. I dread those and they are becoming like Lidocaine at the dentist - just a bad reminder/memory. Gross.

Bella came with me today to get fluids. She was pretty excited to drink juice and eat crackers. We watched Netflix on the iPad. Okay, really she watched Netflix. She was watching Wonder Pets and Timmy Time. And they only speak in animal sounds on Timmy Time. It's rather annoying. Sometimes she calls it Titty Time on accident. That is pretty funny. She also calls birth marks "book marks" and tonight she told Makenzie that I just call them birth marks, like I was a looney bin who made up a name for them. Haha. She's so sweet. But she enjoyed being with me. I'm glad she was only there for fluids and not chemo.

We also went back to my regular doctor's office. I didn't actually see the nurse practitioner who is my primary care physician because she was booked, but when our appointment was done, she was in her office, so I went to tell her thank you for finding the lump/mass in my neck, even though she thought it was my thyroid. I, of course, immediately starting bawling, and she gave me a hug, but I'm just SOOOO incredibly grateful to her that she found that. She has been following my case and keeping up with things. It was good to see her and be able to tell her thank you. I have wanted to thank her for a while now. She's really great. It felt good to cry a little, though.

Anyway, I'm worn out. I AM sick. And I am strong. But not all the time. I mean, overall, I'm definitely strong and I know I can do this, but I'm tired. My house is a disaster and looks like an episode of... well, it's not quite to Hoarders yet, but it's not fun. I can't keep up with it and Patrick hasn't been able to recently, either. Our washing machine started stinking (after loads) because we have been leaving wet loads in there. Not on purpose... just because I'm too tired to switch them over. I'm just tired. I still stay up late. And sleeping isn't super refreshing because it's uncomfortable (thank you, stupid, evil port). But I'm just wearing out more and more every day. Ironically, the kitchen is probably the cleanest room in the house. I never cook. I just reheat frozen meals and microwave chicken nuggets and stuff, haha. That's not totally true. I cook on my good weeks some. But then I don't have the energy to clean up. Sounds like I total cop-out, but I swear it's not. And my husband is amazing and wonderful and doing the best job he can, but we have two little tornadoes and me when I'm feeling good starting projects and stuff. haha. It's just a lot to keep up with. I'm very thankful for the few close friends I have who have zero problems coming to help me, haha.

Unrelated, I opened an Etsy shop. I guess it's kind of related because I like to start projects, haha. Yep, I'm selling printables, baby blankets, burp cloths, and loveys right now. I just opened it and I have no orders, but that's okay. People are missing out. I'm offering 25% off. That's quite a steal since I don't charge and arm and a leg for things anyway. At least, I don't think I do. The shop's link is: http://www.etsy.com/shop/fromam2pmdesigns and my Facebook page is www.facebook.com/fromam2pmdesigns. I'm working on business cards in the next couple of days. I'm going to sew my brains out on good weeks, if I get orders, and sit around on bad weeks. Though that one time, the sewing really helped and I felt a lot better while sewing, haha. So who knows. But I love making the blankets and stuff and I want to make some extra money. It will help me be able to splurge a little. And I'm definitely an emotional shoppers, so having my own funds that won't hurt the family budget will be nice. And I can help us afford things as well. It's not all selfish. But yeah. That's what I'm working on. I just decided to go ahead and open the shop and see what happens. So... we'll see what happens! :) I see more girly crafting nights in my future. :)

I'm really grateful for all the support and outpouring of love I am receiving. All the help, the hugs, the hellos, the meals, everything. We are being so super blessed and humbled. It's really wonderful.

I'm really looking forward to watching General Conference this weekend. We watch it from home on www.lds.org. Bella gets really excited for it and I need to print out some stuff for her to do during Conference. :) Match apostles and stuff like that. :) I hope we get at least our living room picked up by then. It will really help us have the Spirit with us while we watch. I encourage all of you to tune in as well. There are always awesome messages during General Conference. I always learn something new, feel something great, and am reminded of something I knew but was starting to forget. And I always feel revitalized at the end and ready to conquer my world.

Well, time for me to go to bed. Or suck on another cough drop with numbing stuff. Sore throats suck. Almost as much as cancer. ;-) I love you, friends and blog journal.