Monday, January 21, 2013

My Bella Girl

My sweet, sweet Bella girl. I love her so much. She is my mini-me. She even has my hair and sass. :)

(I usually call her B when I am typing things.)

Yesterday, as I was prepping the blog so that we could tell Patrick's siblings, I thought, "you know what, I don't want them to know before my daughter." So I told her.

We were just sitting by the computer and I told her about what was going on.

Me: You know how Mommy has been going to lots of doctors' appointments?

B: Yes

Me: Well, Mommy is very, very sick. I am going to have a lot more doctor appointments. And you go to lots of friends' houses to play while Mommy does that. I have to get a special medicine to make me better. And that special medicine is going to make my hair fall out. And it will be scary, but it will be okay. It will be really cool to not have hair - I'll look like Daddy, and isn't he awesome? Yeah!

We looked up a picture of the girl who is the Covergirl cover girl that is a young lady who does make up and stuff and she doesn't have hair. Or it's growing back or something. Because of cancer.

Bella is the sweetest. She started to cry and said, "But Mommy I don't want your hair to fall out. I don't want you to look like that." I hugged her and told it would be okay and that it would grow back.

This morning when I told her she was going to a friend's house so we could go to the temple, she thought I was going to a doctor's appointment. :)

She is such a sweet girl and I love her so much.


  1. Oh sweet Bella! She's sounds just as devastated as you are about losing your hair. LOL! So Glad you were able to go to the temple and feel peace there.
