Dr. Rich told me that I will exhausted during treatments. I'll feel like I want to get off the couch, stand up, and then just sit back down.
I'm exhausted now - how can I get more exhausted and how will I manage to live my life if I'm that tired???
Once we started telling our family and close friends, I realized how exhausting it was to tell people, and since I couldn't keep my emotions/the Spirit influencing me in check during church, I decided that we should just tell everyone this weekend and get through the bulk of it at once. I figured it would be easier to do it this way.
And now I have exhausted myself into sickness, haha. You know that just so worn out you're sick sick? Yep, that's where I am at right now. I'd love to not go to school tomorrow, but that's my job... :) And staying home with two wild and crazy animals of children isn't really much more relaxing. ;-)
Anyway, telling people (even just giving someone the link to this blog) is exhausting. And no one has really asked questions, it has been outpouring of love, but it is tiring to respond and to rethink about everything over and over again. (I read a bunch of notifications from Facebook all day today - and text messages - but didn't reply until tonight because it takes a lot of energy... and I have probably forgotten some, I'm sorry :/.)
But I am surrounded by so much love and kindness. SOOOOOOOO much love. I am SO incredibly grateful for that, for all the love and support my friends and family have given. I have seen the kindest and most sincere offers and nothing has even begun. I think this is definitely a lesson in reminding me who the important people in my life are and who my true friends are - who I should really focus my life on and who I should not and who is doing the same for me. I have even had friends that I haven't talked to in years offer to come to Provo from another state or city and take care of my kids. I mean, that's amazing. AMAZING. I am just so overwhelmed by all the love. I don't even know how to properly express the feelings.
I'm going to post the messages, responses, etc. on here once I decide how I want to do that (copy/paste, screenshot, etc.), but I want to remember all of these wonderful text messages, Facebook messages, emails, etc. We are so so loved and supported.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you for being so kind, loving, selfless, and just for being there for me and my family. I feel so overwhelmed by love that I'm exhausted! ;-) But really, thank you a million times over.
It warms my heart to hear that so many people are willing to help you and travel far too. You are truly not alone. what a wonderful thing to have so many people that love you and support you in your life.